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NEW DAILY MANAGER: Alexander Johnsen has worked with fish all his life. Now he will do it as general manager at Astafjord Slakteri. Photo: Private

PROUD: Astafjord slaughterhouse has given summer jobs to 21 young people at the salmon slaughterhouse. 18 of the ovens are from Gratangen. They have been given jobs for anywhere from three to eight weeks. - I am very proud of what we do now, says HR manager Jorunn Bertelsen. Photo: Private

Nilas (21) and Maren (20) took up the challenge: - Not used to physical factory work
SUMMER JOB: Nilas Mikkelsen (21) from Gratangen and Maren Beate Lindahl (20) from Jæren both have summer jobs at Astafjord slaughterhouse. They both thrive well. Photo: Jorunn Bertelsen

In 2020, Alexander Johnsen moved to Gratangen to work as a production manager at Astafjord Slakteri. Now he has become a daily camper
- It has been instructive.
Summer job at salmon slaughterhouse - District news Nordnytt - June 29, 2021 (Video)
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